Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Technology During My Education

Before coming to college, my technological experiences in school were mediocre and sometimes completely unsuccessful. I remember completing almost all of my assignments that required a computer at home. Most of the time that I recall using the technology in my school was spent just trying to make it work. However, that doesn't mean that ALL of my technological experiences were terrible.

In elementary school, I was fortunate enough to have classrooms that always had at least one desktop computer. For the most part, I always remember these computers working fairly well. Also, the higher the grade level, generally the more computers we had available. I thought that was a good thing because the older I became the more I had to use technology. We also had a computer lab, but I don't recall using it that often. My most significant memory of using the computer lab in elementary school was when we were first learning how to type and always had to hide the keyboards with those black, rubber covers that would keep us from looking at the letters on the keyboard. Aside from that, my only other memory of the computer lab is using the printers to print out reports or word art for posters.

In high school there was definitely an increase in the technology available. The downside was that it didn't always work very well. Our computer lab was generally up to speed, but was almost always reserved for a class so unless you were in the class that reserved the lab, it was hard to come by a computer. In addition to the computer lab my school also had laptops that were available for teachers to reserve during their class periods. The downside to the laptops was that only about 5 out of the 25 available always worked. By junior and senior year we all actually had the numbers of the ones that worked memorized. So if you weren't one of the first people to select your laptop, then you typically spent the entire class period hoping that the one you chose would somehow start working.

Overall, I was never impressed with the technology that my schools had to offer, but I also understand that we were still more fortunate than other schools so it was never something that upset me too much. I'm sure since I've graduated they have probably upgraded and enhanced the technology available and would be interested to see how much technology is available now.

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