Sunday, September 7, 2014

Journey to SNHU

I grew up in rural Pennsylvania for most of my life. So when I first began college I only looked at schools that were in my home state. With a desire to stay in Pennsylvania and the urge to move to the city, I found myself beginning my college career at the University of Pittsburgh. I fell in love with Pitt and I also had made some great friends. However, I struggled with deciding what it was that I wanted to do with my future. When I first arrived at Pitt I was planning on pursuing a career in pharmacy, but I found that I didn't enjoy the classes I was taking. After one semester of being a pharmacy major, I decided that I wanted to try out the occupational therapy major. Once again, I was unhappy with the major and with the classes that I was taking. Finally, I became a Corps member in an organization called Jumpstart that sent us into preschool classrooms so that we could help teach young children language and literacy skills. It was through this organization that I realized that I wanted to pursue a career in early childhood education. However, Pitt didn't have an undergraduate ECE major and my only options were to get my Bachelor's degree in whatever major i desired and then apply to the graduate school of education to obtain a Master's in ECE. I was unhappy with that option and that was when I decided that I would look into transferring to a new school. After taking the time to look into several programs I decided that I wanted to transfer to SNHU and finish my Bachelor's degree here.

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