Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Teaching Responsible Technology Use

I think that one of the most important things that we can do as educators who plan on utilizing technology in the classroom is to educate our students about how to use it properly. This education could cover a multitude of different ideas and topics. It could discuss maintaining a positive online reputation. This could assist students in avoiding finding inappropriate things about themselves on the internet. In doing so, our students could avoid possibly losing a job or not being accepted by a university due to something as silly as an inappropriate picture on the internet. A second thing that teachers should discuss with students when it comes to using technology properly would be cyber bullying. This type of bullying has become more prominent during the digital era and because of this teachers should really explain to their students how harmful this can be. One final thing that I think would be vital for teachers to discuss with their students while utilizing technology in the classroom is how to avoid releasing too much personal information. If students aren't careful, it is possible that they may release their addresses, friends and family names, and so much more to the online world. This can make students more at risk to be susceptible to dangers of online predators and stalkers. This type of danger has very clear and frightening implications. These are only three of many topics that children should understand so that they can use technology safely and responsibly. Since technology is so large in student's lives in and out of the classroom, it is extremely important that teachers help to protect their students by proving them with strategies to protect themselves online.


  1. I really like this topic you decided to blog about. Teaching students about how to use technology responsibly is extremely important. Many students do no understand the consequences of their actions, especially using the internet. I feel that everything you discusses is equally important. Cyber bullying, releasing too much information, posting inappropriate things are all careless mistakes students can do. I feel like teaching students about this at a young age could really make an impact on the future! Maybe you can use the lessons from common sense media and incorporate that into your future classroom!

  2. I really think your blog idea is great and I think that the use of technology should be taught in schools.In some schools technology is taught but its just the basics on how to use a device, but you never really hear of a class teaching students what is appropriate to put on the internet or not. I also think this could really benefit students and persuade them to really think about what their going to post before they put it on the internet. Also by teaching students about cyber bullying and the harmful affects of it could influence students to be more aware of what they post. I think all your ideas are great of what they should be teaching students about technology! especially if they teach students about how not to post to much information about themselves on the internet. I think this kind of class would be great in schools and could really teach students so much! Great idea!
